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在日常的代理生活中有很多事情需要管理. 从项目、管道和客户到资源、能力和财务. 这是一种经典的杂耍表演,在成为顶级表演者和失球之间有一条细微的界限. 

机构经常会问的一个问题是:什么是最好的系统来帮助他们管理所有这些方面? And, crucially, is it better to use multiple best-in-class systems, or can one system consolidate everything?

Here, 我们将探讨哪些机构需要自动化来实现高效运营,以及一体化机构管理系统与多种工具的优缺点.

首先,您可能会问自己是否需要一个或多个系统. If you’re a small agency, 你可能使用电子表格和几个应用程序管理得相对较好. And passing information on to each other as and when. 

But as you start to grow, 这可能会变得越来越困难,而且很明显,主要存储在人们头脑中的数据不会给你带来什么. 

So, what management software might an agency need?

  1. 工作财务管理软件(又名工作成本计算软件). This can help with: 
    • Estimating time and costs
    • Creating client quotes
    • Capturing job purchases and expenses
    • Tracking time and costs against budgets
    • Invoicing
    • Project and client profit reporting
  2. Project management software. These tools can support: 
    • Planning project timelines
    • Allocating tasks
    • Briefing jobs and sharing documents
    • Project communications
    • Tracking project progress
    • Project reporting
  3. CRM and sales software. These are used for: 
    • Capturing contact data and history
    • Nurturing leads
    • Managing opportunities and activities
    • Forecasting sales pipeline
    • Tracking targets
  4. Resource management software. These enable you to: 
    • Schedule resources
    • Monitor availability and workloads
    • Bookout holiday and absence
    • Report utilisation
  5. Management information software. Use these for: 
    • Forecasting revenue, profit, billing and costs
    • Monitoring forecasts vs actuals
    • Capacity forecasting
    • Staff utilisation and recovery reporting
    • Profit analysis
    • Target tracking
    • Revenue recognition
  6. Accounting software (such as Xero, Quickbooks). These help agencies with: 
    • Recording income and expenses
    • Tracking payments
    • Payroll and dividends
    • Reconciling bank transactions
    • Calculating tax and VAT
    • Financial reporting and year-end accounting

这是非常多的类别,所有类别都有自己的许多过程需要考虑. And there are systems and software solutions for each. 但是对每项活动使用单独的工具是否有效? 或者它只是增加了数据混乱的漩涡? 

Let’s explore the pros and cons of each.

Multiple agency systems pros and cons

The pros

Cost 这里有一个大的吗,特别是对于小的机构. Subscription costs are usually quite low, or even free, when you’re small, 而且你可以很容易地通过电子表格进行报告. 

Specific features 机构喜欢使用专业系统的另一个原因是什么. 

Familiarity 也可以发挥作用:引入变革可能是机构的一个重要考虑因素.


The cons

Costs are often higher 随着公司的发展,用户的增加意味着订阅量的增加. 

Duplication entering data into more than one system. This can waste time and lead to human error. 你常常会得到不同版本的真相. 需要将数据导出到电子表格中,并进行匹配和操作以创建报告. 这将导致大量的循环引用,并花费(浪费)时间检查和修复数据.

Lack of visibility 以推动明智的商业决策的“全貌”, 要么是因为数据不存在,要么是因为数据没有被连接起来. 您可能有一个跟踪机会但不预测容量需求的CRM系统, 不跟踪预算的项目管理系统或预测新业务和现有业务管道的独立系统. 

Integrating disparate systems can give you a real headache. 如果所有系统中的数据都不同,那么您将无法始终对齐它们. 在这个等式中十大正规博彩网站评级软件更新,它真的会开始变得痛苦.

Security can start to become an issue. 如果团队成员离开,您需要记住将他们从每个系统中移除.

One agency system pros and cons

The pros

A central data source 意味着没有重复的工作,并为您提供准确的实时数据. 你可以用同样的方法来完成一个项目, from opportunity to delivery and reconciliation. 让你了解公司各个部门的情况. 

Simpler for your team 让他们的头脑:而不是导航许多不同的系统和登录, they can simply learn how to use one. Plus, you can standardise processes.

Efficiency is greater across the whole agency, with all the project information, documents and communications in one central place.

Longer-term investment 在一个单一的系统中,随着您的发展,可以证明更具成本效益. 单一系统通常能够提供更持久的高级功能,如多币种, multi-company and revenue management. 

One supplier for onboarding and ongoing support. 通过在代理管理的各个方面都是专家的单一联系点提高效率-无需与多个供应商来回联系. 


The cons

Lack of specifics might get in the way, 有时你需要一个特定的函数系统, such as Hubspot for marketing automation. 您可能不希望在一个系统中使用受限制的数据,例如会计数据. 有些,如Synergist,提供了现成的集成,可以无缝地连接您的系统.

Investment in onboarding can be bigger, 因为该系统通常是专门为您的机构工作方式配置的, so will need more in the way of upfront design, setup support and training time. 

Getting everyone on board can be tricky. 也许他们喜欢在过去的机构中使用更简单的系统. 将单个系统视为一个全新的动物,它将带来更高的效率和性能,而不是简单的替代品.

As with everything agency, 最终的决定取决于你的个人需求, ambitions, culture and processes. Multiple systems can offer multiple functions, but the more you use, 数据收集可能会更加复杂和复杂. Single systems may need more onboarding and engagement, 但从长远来看,提供更大的流线型和业务洞察力. 此外,他们通常是为了满足你的机构的需求而设计的,所以可以和你一起成长和发展. 所以当你在研究新系统的时候问自己:这是一个吗? 

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