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从制作体现节日精神的迷人活动到对待客户的折扣和免费礼物, 你可以做很多事情来确保你的品牌像鲁道夫的鼻子一样闪亮.

’Tis the season for elevating your email marketing game, so sit down, wrap up tight, grab a cuppa (or mulled wine), 看看我们的建议,帮助你在圣诞节期间发展你的电子商务品牌.

Build a Festive Email Campaign


Use holiday colours, images, 在邮件正文和主题行中十大正规博彩网站评级圣诞主题的广告文案,以吸引观众的注意力,让他们立即意识到这是一个以圣诞为主题的活动.

Create Limited-Time Offers

There aren’t many things more desirable and click-worthy than a big, 限时优惠,让顾客相信如果他们不坚持到底,他们就会错过. 

This doesn’t have to be as extensive as “99% off everything,,但要给你的邮件订阅者一个像样的折扣,让他们相信这是他们的专属. The main aim here is to create FOMO.

A “limited-time, 24-hour sale” is perfect. Not only does it entice customers into shopping, 但如果他们无法快速阅读电子邮件,这也给了他们足够的时间购物. Don’t put people off with 30-minute discounts, 因为你的很多客户可能没有能力当场购买.

Highlight Bestselling Products

突出你最畅销的产品是展示你所能提供的最好的产品的好方法. 你的客户购买你的产品是有原因的(以及为什么他们比其他人购买更多的产品), 所以,通过鼓励你的其他顾客购买同样的商品,帮助他们走上类似的道路.

确保你在这封邮件(或多封邮件)中加载了诱导fomo的文案、主题行和设计工作. 使用诸如“我们的畅销书正在快速销售”这样的短语会让顾客想要成为行动的一部分,并十大正规博彩网站评级那些已经购买的人. 

Implement Abandoned Cart/Checkout Emails

不要错过对那些表现出购买意图但在最后一刻放弃的客户的营销. 策划专门的废弃购物车或废弃的付款邮件,为购买提供另一种激励.

你甚至可以给这类用户20%的折扣,鼓励他们回到网站继续购物. Let the customer know that you care about their service, 他们可能更倾向于在那一刻和将来和你一起购物.

Utilise User-Generated Content


Utilising UGC has a number of benefits for your brand, including building authenticity and trust, establishing brand loyalty, being more cost-effective than influencer marketing, versatility, and much more.

If you showcase your products within an email alongside UGC, it won’t just do all the above, but it can help the customer to see and picture how your product is used, worn, applied, etc.

有许多创作者与不同的品牌和行业产生共鸣, 所以,四处搜索一下,找到最适合你公司的人. 

Create a 12 Days of Christmas Countdown

No matter how old you are, 我们都喜欢每天在降临节日历上打开一扇门,发现里面是什么. 通过提供12天的圣诞优惠或折扣,让客户兴奋地打开他们的电子邮件.

If you promise your customers a brand-new promotion every day, 他们很可能会回来打开他们的电子邮件,发现你提供给他们的是什么. 


Provide Gift Guides

你是否曾经为给朋友或家人挑一份完美的礼物而苦苦挣扎,并希望你能找到一份精心策划的送礼指南来帮助你? Well, why not offer that to your customers?

你的邮件列表中一定有一些人不知道该给他们生命中最亲密的人送什么. 所以,请帮助他们,制作一份专门的礼物指南,在任何时候都能帮助他们.

If you need a bit of advice on how to create a Christmas gift guide, check out our blog here.

Offer Exclusive Deals to Subscribers


By doing this, 你可以在你的订阅者中培养一种忠诚感,让他们感到被重视和欣赏. In turn, 这种忠诚度可以转化为更高的参与度,并更有可能将电子邮件订阅者转化为付费客户.


At the end of the day, 顾客记得慷慨大方,在考虑从谁那里买东西时,他们会高度重视.

Leveraging email marketing during the festive season can bring plenty of benefits to your eCommerce business; there are many techniques to increase customer satisfaction and ultimately drive sales.

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